Dear Friends and Family of Hope,
I went for my yearly physical the other day that included a heart scan. My heart and arteries are in great shape, and my weight stayed the same (better than 5 or 10 pounds more). However, I lost a 1/4 inch in height and my triglycerides were high. Therefore, the good doctor told me that I need to change my diet. Cut out sugar, candy, pie, cake, ice cream, fatty meats, potatoes, white bread, white rice, etc. UGH! I thought to myself, I might as well die. What no meat and potatoes? But I thought to myself, and the doctor reminded me, "If I don't change my diet, I will have health issues - GUARANTEED!"
In pondering about this health and food thing, I found there's a lot of correlation between one's physical health and their spiritual health. One one hand, a person can say they are doing well in certain parts of their walk with Jesus, like prayer, Scripture reading, going to Bible study or small group, etc. But on the other hand, there may be certain areas that need attention, like giving to God, sharing one's spiritual journey with others, not gossiping or judging others, etc. Of course, the areas I mentioned may not be the one's you wrestle with, but that still doesn't let us off the hook. That's like patting ourselves on the back for the good things we do, but not being honest in the areas that need to change. What's more interesting, if we don't work at changing those areas, issues will arise - GUARANTEED! The good doctor, namely, the Holy Spirit, will let us know if there is an area we need to clean up. The issue is: "Will we heed his nudge and advise?"
So, take some time this week and do a spiritual heart scan of your walk with Jesus, as well as a spiritual health check. Don't be afraid of the results, because it will allow us to be honest with God and ourselves.
Prayer requests this week:
1. Linda S. recovering from foot surgery.
2. Laura and our daughter, Anne, as they travel cross country from Ontario, OR to Jacksonville, NC.
3. People who are listed in the worship folder
4. People we would like to see grow in their faith.
5. People making transitions (job and personal) in their life.
6. For less rain and more sun. Remember our neighbors in the south going through flood conditions.
Have a blessed week!
Pastor Tom
I went for my yearly physical the other day that included a heart scan. My heart and arteries are in great shape, and my weight stayed the same (better than 5 or 10 pounds more). However, I lost a 1/4 inch in height and my triglycerides were high. Therefore, the good doctor told me that I need to change my diet. Cut out sugar, candy, pie, cake, ice cream, fatty meats, potatoes, white bread, white rice, etc. UGH! I thought to myself, I might as well die. What no meat and potatoes? But I thought to myself, and the doctor reminded me, "If I don't change my diet, I will have health issues - GUARANTEED!"
In pondering about this health and food thing, I found there's a lot of correlation between one's physical health and their spiritual health. One one hand, a person can say they are doing well in certain parts of their walk with Jesus, like prayer, Scripture reading, going to Bible study or small group, etc. But on the other hand, there may be certain areas that need attention, like giving to God, sharing one's spiritual journey with others, not gossiping or judging others, etc. Of course, the areas I mentioned may not be the one's you wrestle with, but that still doesn't let us off the hook. That's like patting ourselves on the back for the good things we do, but not being honest in the areas that need to change. What's more interesting, if we don't work at changing those areas, issues will arise - GUARANTEED! The good doctor, namely, the Holy Spirit, will let us know if there is an area we need to clean up. The issue is: "Will we heed his nudge and advise?"
So, take some time this week and do a spiritual heart scan of your walk with Jesus, as well as a spiritual health check. Don't be afraid of the results, because it will allow us to be honest with God and ourselves.
Prayer requests this week:
1. Linda S. recovering from foot surgery.
2. Laura and our daughter, Anne, as they travel cross country from Ontario, OR to Jacksonville, NC.
3. People who are listed in the worship folder
4. People we would like to see grow in their faith.
5. People making transitions (job and personal) in their life.
6. For less rain and more sun. Remember our neighbors in the south going through flood conditions.
Have a blessed week!
Pastor Tom