Dear People,
The New Year is already unfolding before us and like most people, there's always the hope that the new year will be better than the previous one. Personally, while I have goals and what I would like to see happen in 2011, I'm not a prophet nor a prediction expert, so I am leaning heavily on the Lord.
However, there is one thing I do know. Every year always brings with it defining moments (This is something I will be talking more about this Sunday). Defining moments will always impact one's life and their journey with God. Last week I had a defining moment as I wrestled with God about our son-in-law, Kevan, going to Afghanistan. The end result is that I saw God, the Father in a deeper light - one with an understanding and sympathetic heart. A father who also allowed His son to go to a foreign area and experience life's hardships. So I really KNEW that God understood my apprehension. A person wrote me on Monday with these words that brought comfort and understanding. They are also very true:
"Head knowledge and heart knowledge are so different when it comes to letting go. Your mind knows what you must do, your mind knows you need to totally trust God for whatever His will is for the lives that you care about, but your heart is so attached to the emotional love for those people, that tears flow easily when your heart thinks too much or aches too much. There are days when we do fairly well, and then there will be moments..."
Ever feel that way? I'm sure if God could have stopped Jesus from coming to earth, He would have. But He didn't.
So last week, God and I had a defining moment together. I hope 2011 will bring more defining moments to both you and I because they are real testimonies that God is doing something in our life. So let me ask you: "What do you want God to do in your life in 2011? Write it down. Pray about it. Release it to Him. Then allow Him to bring defining moments in your life where your faith and journey with Him will prosper and grow.
Have a blessed day!
Pastor Tom
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