Friday, May 6, 2011

Many things!

Dear Friends and family of Hope,

What a week! However, it's Friday and the weekend is upon us. There are some things to convey to you to think about and include in your prayers:

1. This Sunday we will be focusing our worship on "the heart of a covenant". The term covenant is very significant to a follower of Jesus. It's not just a name of a denomination, but the heart of the Gospel and a relationship with God and with our deep friends. We will also be remembering Mother's Day.

2. Please remember Katrina and James Dinius in your prayers. Katrina's dad, Don Smith, died suddenly and unexpectedly on Wednesday morning. There is visitation from 1:00 - 2:00 Monday, May 9th, and the service at 2:00, at Kerchival Funeral Home at 306 East 10th Street, Sheridan, 46058.

3. Mark May 29th and June 5th on your calendar. On May 29th, Mr. Sam Pullen will be coming to Hope to do a summer internship for his North Park Seminary internship requirement. Sam is 26 years old, single, grew up in Columbia City, IN,  a graduate from Purdue with a degree in Sociology, and 2nd year seminary student at North Park. We will be having a Pitch-In on June 5th to welcome him as well as having a Congregational meeting to share some exciting events.

4. Next Thursday, Debbie Griffith will be coming to Hope to do a Leadership Training Seminar. This seminar will include a DISC survey (6:00-7:30 p.m.) and Teacher Training (7:30-9:30) for current and potential small group teacher/facilitators. I believe you will greatly benefit from the seminar. Talk to me if you have questions.

5. Laura, Anne, and the grandkids stopped by briefly (thurs)on their way through to NC. Even though it was brief (and they were very tired) it was good to see them before they left again this morning.

Have a blessed day and weekend!

Pastor Tom

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